
April 15, 2020


Silis is committed to ensuring the privacy and accuracy of your confidential information. Silis does not actively share personal information gathered from its web site.


This Privacy Policy applies to all online sites/pages under the domain. This policy does not apply to information gathered offline through the normal course of business.

Information Gathered by Silis (Cookie)

Silis gathers general information for statistical analysis.

The information gathered includes:

  • The IP address of the computer being used
  • Web pages visited within Silis
  • Referring web pages
  • The device, operating system, and browser used
  • The date and time

This information is used to make improvements to the functionality and performance, and to improve marketing and advertising across

Third-party Content may contain links to, and/or content from third-party sites. Silis does not transmit any information to these third-party sites. However, when visiting third-party sites, you are subject to the individual privacy policies of these sites. Silis is not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties.


If you have any questions about the Silis Privacy Policy, please direct them to